
Showing posts from 2008

4 线 网线 和 2 线 电话线

cat5 4 pin 1,2,3,6 telephone cable in the middle two.

AC97 与 HD AUDIO 接线方法


make BisonCam work for XP

It also work for the MSI L745 notebook first, use this INF file C:\WINDOWS\OPTIONS\Install\x86\BisonCam.inf ;------------------------------------------------------------------ ;------------------------------------------------------------------ ; ; BisonCam.INF -- This file contains installation information ; For windows NT ; Copyright (c) 2004 ; DSP : ALI-5603C ; Sensor: VGA OVT-7640/7648/7649,MT9V011(MI360),HV7131R ; 1.3M OVT-9620/9630/9640,MT9001C12ST,HV7151SP ; ;------------------------------------------------------------------ ;------------------------------------------------------------------ [Version] Signature="$CHICAGO$" Class=Image ClassGUID={6bdd1fc6-810f-11d0-bec7-08002be2092f} Provider=%VENDOR% DriverVer=08/20/2007, ; All PnP devices should be excluded from manual AddDevice Applet list [ControlFlags] ExcludeFromSelect=* [Manufacturer] %Mfg%=CamM5603D.Section [DestinationDirs] DefaultDestDir ...


许多人遇到BIOS中检测不到硬盘或报错的时候,就将其报废。其实,如果开机后,硬盘在自检时能听到磁盘旋转的声音,估计主电机和控制电路板均无故障,还是有挽回余地的。需要注意的是,硬盘是一种精密的器件,很脆弱,维修前应先将双手洗净,释放掉人体残存的静电再进行操作。    无法找到硬盘的情况   对于出现“HDD NotDetected”错误提示的硬盘,首先检查硬盘外部数据信号线的接口是否有变形,接口焊点是否存在虚焊。排除以上的可能后,取下硬盘后盖,露出电路控制板。拧下控制板上的固定螺丝,将控制板与硬盘主体分离。这时可以看见硬盘主体的两排弹簧片。一排作为主电机的电源,另一排作为硬盘主体的磁头机械臂驱动线圈电源以及硬盘主体与电路控制板间数据传输接口。对于无特殊封装的硬盘,往往可以看见弹簧片与控制电路板对应部位均有灰尘。用脱脂棉蘸无水酒精清洁,对弹簧片变形的部位校形,并除去氧化层,一般情况下均可恢复正常。   如果以上处理无效,那就得打开硬盘主体。选择一个灰尘很少的环境,拧开硬盘前盖的螺丝(有的是用胶粘牢)。取下硬盘的前盖,这时就可清楚地看到盘面。首先用数字万用表检测磁头机械臂驱动线圈是否断路。该线圈的正常阻值为20Ω左右。其次检测磁头上的连线是否断开。每张盘面的两侧均有一个磁头,每个磁头均有两根连线接到磁头机械臂上的集成芯片上。该芯片常见的型号为H1710Q,作用是将磁信号转变为电信号,再送到电路控制板处理。磁头阻值应在23Ω~26Ω之间。若磁头阻值较大,说明磁头损坏。磁头连线与芯片H1710Q相连,H1710Q对应脚阻值应在1.7kΩ左右,若在1.2kΩ以下说明该芯片已被击穿,可与排线一起更换。   若磁头上的连线断路,可用直径0.2mm的优质漆包线取代。一端压在磁头的金属弹片上,另一端焊在H1710Q相应的脚上。注意将漆包线卡在机械臂相应的卡槽内,并用少许502胶水固定,防止硬盘转动时与漆包线相摩擦。将硬盘各部分复原后,最后用702硅胶将硬盘周围封死,防止灰尘进入。由于磁头体积很小,不易将漆包线卡在上面,最好在放大镜下操作。这时千万不可用力过猛,否则会造成磁头损坏,所以要小心加小心。经这样修复开机后硬盘可恢复正常。   提示硬盘出错的情况   对于出现提示“HDD ControllerError”错误的硬盘,大都是由于某种原因造成硬盘主引导记录(MBR)上文件受损。MBR...

Send email by using PHP

if your ISP need SMTP Authentication then you need Pear installed for you php5, and also add one line in your php.ini file: extension=php_gd2.dll require_once "Mail.php"; $from = "Sandra Sender "; $to = "Ramona Recipient "; $subject = "Hi!"; $body = "Hi,\n\nHow are you?"; $host = ""; $username = "smtp_username"; $password = "smtp_password"; $headers = array ('From' => $from, 'To' => $to, 'Subject' => $subject); $smtp = Mail::factory('smtp', array ('host' => $host, 'auth' => true, 'username' => $username, 'password' => $password)); $mail = $smtp->send($to, $headers, $body); if (PEAR::isError($mail)) { echo(" " . $mail->getMessage() . " "); } else { echo(" Message successfully sent! "); } ?>

Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by

Solution #1 - no output before header(), setcookie() and other header setting functionsThus, the first solution to the "Cannot modify header information" error is to make sure you are not outputting any content at all before the call to the header() function. Solution #2 - ob_start() The second method consists in calling the ob_start() at the very top of the PHP script like this: ob_start(); This will turn output buffering on. With output buffering the entire PHP script will be processed before any output is sent to the client. Thus all the PHP script will be aware of all the header changes and it will not send any headers until every line has been processed.ob_start() may appear to slow down the loading time on server intensive pages, because the client will not be presented with any fragment of the page until the page is fully processed.

How to load data file to mysql

copy xx.sql file to your mysql\bin forlder than login to mysql mysql> source xx.sql;

解决sub 2000 shop 有一些button看不见的问题


FireFox 加速

1. 在 Firefox URL欄內輸入「about:config」 2. 在「Filter」欄內輸入「pipelining」將找到以下三個設定 3. 將 「network.http.pipelining」調為 true 4. 將 「network.http.proxy.pipelining」調為 true 5. 將 「network.http.pipelining.maxrequests」調為 30 6. 最後一步就是在Firefox任何一個地方點右鍵,選擇「新建」—「整數」在彈出的對話框中輸入「nglayout.initialpaint.delay」並將其值改為「0」,表示當瀏覽器收到網站回復的信息後能夠快速的反應。 7. 重新開啟 Firefox 便完成設定

Install IIS 6 + PHP5.2.5 + MySQL in WIN 2003 (PART2)

Today let's lean how to set MySQL. 1. Download MySQL5.0.51a from 2. Unzip it to your C: drive. Then click setup.exe 3. Select "typical" installation.-->standard configuration-->install as windows service-->set new root password (write it down somewhere, otherwise....) 4. Now you can see Mysql in C:\Program Files\MySQL 5. Want access the database? Go to start-->all programs-->MYSQL-->MySQL server 5.0-->MYSQL command line client. 6. Read MYSQL tutorial from this link 7. Add C:\PHP to your path. From the Start menu, right click My Computer and select Properties. From the Advanced tab click the Environment Variables button. Under System Variable find Path and click Edit. At the end of what is already present in Variable Value add a semicolon (;) and then C:\PHP. 8. If you can see it, Then your are success set up MYSQL, simple ! C:\mysql\bin\mysql.exe ...

Install IIS 6 + PHP5.2.5 + MySQL in WIN 2003 (PART1)

Don't know why after I install sharepoint 3, the default web site can not see php file, always ask my password. so I reinstall PHP again. It works for me.... INSTALL PHP 1. Download PHP from 2. Unzip it to c:\PHP 3. Copy php5ts.dll from c:\PHP to C:\WINDOWS\system32 4. Copy php.ini-dist from c:\PHP to C:\WINDOWS then change the it's name to php.ini 5. Open C:\WINDOWS\php.ini in notepad Change extension_dir = "./" to extension_dir = "C:\PHP\ext" Change ;extension=php_mysql.dll to extension=php_mysql.dll (just delete ";") 6. Open the Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager from start-->Administrative Tools-->local computer-->web sites-->default web site-->right click then select properties-->home directory-->select configration-->under Cache ISAPI extensions click add-->Enter C:\PHP\php5isapi.dll as Executable and .PHP as Extension. Leave the rest as default and click Ok. 7. go to...

Two steps to change Sharepoint Port other than 80

1.start-->administrative tools-->IIS manager-->local computer-->website-->sharepoint 80-->right click-->property-->website-->change TCP port to 808 2.start-->administrative tools-->IIS manager-->local computer-->website-->sharepoint central administrator v3-->right click-->brows-->operations-->alternate access mappings-->click internal URL(http://yourcomputer_name/)-->change that to http://yourcomputer_name:808/ Done

Error Event 5586

After you apply Windows SharePoint Services 3.0 SP1, an event is logged in the Application log on the server: "User, group, or role 'WSS_Content_Application_Pools' already exists in the current database" RESOLUTION You can safely ignore the event that is mentioned in the "Symptoms" section. STATUS Microsoft has confirmed that this is a problem in the Microsoft products that are listed in the "Applies to" section. link :

The application-specific permission settings do not grant Local Activation permission for the COM Server application with CLSID

If you got error in Win 2003 The application-specific permission settings do not grant Local Activation permission for the COM Server application with CLSID {61738644-F196-11D0-9953-00C04FD919C1} to the user NT AUTHORITY\NETWORK SERVICE SID (S-1-5-20). This security permission can be modified using the Component Services administrative tool. For more information, see Help and Support Center at Just fellow the step by step below to fix it 1.Copy the GUID following the CLSID above : {61738644-F196-11D0-9953-00C04FD919C1} 2.Start-->Run-->regedit 3.Right click HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, select find then past the CLSID in 4.Then you can see the (default) value data is "IIS WAMREG admin Service" 5.Open Component Services : Start-->Administrative Tools-->Component Services-->Computers-->My Computer-->DCOM Config Scroll down and find the application (IIS WAMREG admin Service in this case). 6.Right-Click-->Properties ...

How to switch PASV and PORT model in FLAHSGET

所有FTP服务器软件都支持PORT方式。大部分FTP服务器软件PORT方式和PASV方式都支持。Serv-U默认配置下两种方式都支持。如果使用 PASV方式,请打开Serv-U,进入 Domains -> (你的域名) -> Settings -> Advanced -> 把“Allow passive mode data transfers”前面的钩选中。 IE: 工具 -> Internet选项 -> 高级 -> “使用被动FTP”(需要IE6.0以上才支持)。 CuteFTP: Edit -> Setting -> Connection -> Firewall -> “PASV Mode” 或 File -> Site Manager,在左边选中站点 -> Edit -> “Use PASV mode” FlashGet: 工具 -> 选项 -> 代理服务器 -> 直接连接 -> 编辑 -> “PASV模式” FlashFXP: 选项 -> 参数选择 -> 代理/防火墙/标识 -> “使用被动模式” 或 站点管理 -> 对应站点 -> 选项 -> “使用被动模式” 或 快速连接 -> 切换 -> “使用被动模式” LeapFTP: Option ->Preferences -> General->Proxy->Use Pasv Mode

Set up FTP site in WIN 2003

Install Internet Information Services and the FTP Service Because FTP depends on Microsoft Internet Information Services (IIS), IIS and the FTP Service must be installed on the computer. To install IIS and the FTP Service, follow these steps. NOTE: In Windows Server 2003, the FTP Service is not installed by default when you install IIS. If you already installed IIS on the computer, you must use the Add or Remove Programs tool in Control Panel to install the FTP Service. 1. Click Start, point to Control Panel, and then click Add or Remove Programs. 2. Click Add/Remove Windows Components. 3. In the Components list, click Application Server, click Internet Information Services (IIS) (but do not select or clear the check box), and then click Details. 4. Click to select the following check boxes (if they are not already selected): Common Files File Transfer Protocol (FTP) Service Internet Information Services Manager 5. Click to select the check boxes next to any other IIS-related service o...

Alt + F4 = close every thing

How to install and configure PHP5 with IIS6 on Windows Server 2003 in five easy steps.

I thought installing PHP would be as easy as just using the install program. Well it wasn't... But by learning from my mistakes it can be almost that easy. Just follow these five easy steps on how to install and configure PHP 5 on a Windows Server 2003 running IIS - after trying the manual and several guides and tutorials found on the net (of which some were very long and very complicated and some were short and easy but partially incorrect) this is what it all came down to. Enjoy. This is tested on PHP 5.0.4, IIS6 on Windows Server 2003 SP1. Be aware that IIS is not automatically installed with all editions of Windows Server 2003, this guide assumes that IIS 6 and Windows Server 2003 is already up and running on your server. 1. Download PHP at Make sure you dowload the "zip package", the installer package won't work. 2. Extract the downloaded zip file to a directory of choice on your harddrive. The rest of this guide will assume you ...

redirect solution of windows 2003 server

solution 1: creat new site, set redirect to solution 2: 1. Create one html page, name it redirectssl.htm and save it into your virtual directory folder. Here is the redirectssl.htm content: [script language=javascript> self.location = " " [/script> [noscript> [META HTTP-EQUIV=Refresh CONTENT="1; URL= "> [/noscript> note: change [ to 2. Open your IIS, right click on your virtual directory site, click Properties. 3. Switch to Custom Error Tab 4. Edit properties of 403;4. 5. Set message type to FILE 6. Click browse button and point it into your redirectssl.htm 7. Click OK button twice. Now try to put (without s). HTH. solution 3: 1. Open your IIS, right click on your virtual directory site, click Properties. 2. Switch to Custom Error Tab 3. Edit properties of 403;4. 4. Set message type to ...


Request:- 4th January 2008 at 13:47 I intsall Fasttrak in p5b-vm DO mainboard. I have 5 hard disk installed, 2 of them I use onboard (Intel(R) Matrix Storage Manager )raid controller to creat Raid 1, the other 3 I connect to Fasttrak and creat raid 5. the problem is: if I skip fasttrak raid set up by pree then I can see my onboard raid 1. but I can't see the fasttrak raid 5. If I not skip fasttrak setup. then I can only see the fasttrak raid 5. How can I let them (onboard raid 1 and fasttrak raid 5) work together? Response:- 7th January 2008 at 13:0 Hi Jim Thank you for using our solutions for your storage needs. On some of the newer motherboards it might allow you to use two or more RAID controllers in a single system but sometime by running two or more RAID controllers there is chance you will encounter bios or driver conflict and boot issue. This is due to the motherboard system bios how it assign memory resources to each promise controller. Some controller mig...

Some thing for config new windows 2003 server

1. remote connection if you can't access your wind 2003 by using remote desktop, then you need check your 2003 firewall. start->control panel->firewall check the exceptions add remote desktop there done!